【HP/FB 双语】GGAD通信集——三十五只猫头鹰(19)
I've heard wild stories. Apparently your Dark Lord was defeated by a one-year-old baby I think you dragged your feet on this one, Albus, and you didn't even have a dead sister for an excuse.
But there I go again. After all these years, I thought I'd grown tired of mocking you. But you invite it so obligingly! And I will never quite cease to be angry at you. You seem to have confused that with hatred more than once.
The Voldemort boy—no, but I suppose he isn't a boy anymore, is he He must be, what, at least forty by now Not dead yet Go off & finish the job, Dumbledore. Isn't that what you do
As to remorse That is between myself and myself. Or what's left of myself. Wavy shadow of Gellert in the grimy narrow window, faded eyes, faded face, faded will—that's his concern. Just as your own burden of guilt is your business.
How on earth did your fair island spawn its own Dark Lord anyway Wee from the wilds of the North, as a general rule.
Don't waste your sincerity, seeing as it's so rare. I'm the same as always. How could I be anything else
1.感觉GG第一段里的“very well”是讽刺意。
3.“&”叫and。来源于拉丁语et (意为and)的连写,是指逻辑上表示两者属于缺一不可的关系。
4.那句“Or what's left of myself”实在是不会翻译了,问了一遍英语老师,说得也很模棱两可。评论区欢迎探讨。再者真的没想到有一天会因为做翻译去请教语文老师(扶额),初中毕业之后都快把省略句的重复类型忘完了……
February 2nd, 1982
My sincerity is mine, to do with as I will; if I spend it on an old, angry friend, that is my choice. And—I have more of it than you think, I swear, somehow I do. I always try to be better.
As for England spawning a Dark Lord—
I'd had my suspicions, ever since I first met him. He was eleven; I was sent to contact him, in the Muggle world, inform him of his eptance into Hogwarts and a world he'd never known. Even then, he was hungry, suspicious, cruel just under the surface. Off-putting. Sorted into Slytherin, and I wondered; and I thought of keeping an eye on him. But I was such a meddling, sanctimonious old bastard, wasn't I Always poking my long broken nose into other people's business, always making things worse when I did.
He learned, he grew, into what he was to be, at Hogwarts, even as I taught. He made his first Horcrux right under my selfsame nose, and I wasn't paying attention. Because Europe was groaning under your yoke; because I wrestled with the necessity of challenging you; because I didn't want to meddle in yet another child's life.
Oh, I tell myself it wouldn't have made a difference if I had. Or that it would have made things worse. But my country fell to a Dark Lord until—yes, stopped by an infant—because I didn't stop him soon enough,because I didn't stay his hand when he was still a child , still learning his ways. Because I was trying to be better.