【HP/FB 双语】GGAD通信集——三十五只猫头鹰(20)
In a way, it seems the thing I miss the most about those months we had together, however selfishly, is how I could let youmand me. Abdicate responsibility to one I trusted—however mad I may have been to trust you. Abdicate responsibility at all; it's not a choice I have anymore. And you've been left with no responsibilities whatsoever.
I suppose we each envy the other. And I suppose we have nothing left to say to each other but denials and rejections. I—wish it were otherwise, at times.
March 16th, 1982
Darling Albus—
You really are a contemptible bitch, do you know that I mean, that's magnificent. That really is. Over the top. Beyond the pale. When in all nine hells are you going to learn that it isn't all about your guilt Verdammter Schweinhund, don't you even remember why you won our duel
I know more of you than anyone else in the world, Albus P.W.B. Dumbledore. Go kill your Dark Lord and get it over with. Stop blaming yourself and be brilliant, like you used to be, fly free, let the world tremble before you—except that would mean cruelty, wouldn't it But every moment of your life is cruelty. Set down truth for once and admit it!
You don't have to lie to me, old friend. Oh, I'm laughing so hard at you right now. I've had you stripped and bound and begging me to bugger you—well, as much as you ever begged anyone in your life, you vain fool—of all people, you don't have to lie to me.
Do away with Voldemort. Tell me why you won. Admit what you are. Or bloody well stop this nonsense and save your owls the trouble.
1.Over the top. Beyond the pale.这一句我译成了“前无古人,后无来者”,可它的本意是来形容极端的状态。直译不好听,这是我能想到的最贴切的中文表示。
2.Set down truth,set down的意思是放下、记下,但是怎么搭配都很奇怪。这里的含义我比较偏向于“记下”,既然记下的真相,也可以理解为正视吧,我就意译了。
June 27th, 1982
The truth, as you asked: I do not know what you mean—why I won the duel I do not know. It should not have happened. I cannot do as you say. And I am tired of opening letters full of knives. Tired of feeling vises about my chest when your owls arrive.
I miss our earlier correspondence. I truly do. I miss—you, even, the moments of kindness you used to show, all those years ago, before you left down the dark path entirely. The way you touched me, in consolation, when you first met my sister. But now, perhaps, there is nothing left but this.