
【HP/FB 双语】GGAD通信集——三十五只猫头鹰(7)

作者: 玖泩 阅读记录

I do not even know my own reaction. But, Albus, I thought you did not kill.


As for your little moment ofbustion—there are no dementors in Nurmengard, Albus. The guards are only human—and, no, you shouldn't begrudge them a little sport with me. I have gone too far down the path of the Dark for pain to be anything but an inconvenience. Didn't you, too, rant endlessly about my sins when you finally came to vanquish me Wouldn't you have me tossed in prison for taking the life of a single Muggle, after your saintly change of heart, no matter what it means for our Greater Good Who are you to dictate my Hell


There are no dementors, yet still, every night as I sleep, there are screams. And do you really think I'd prefer to hear the screams of wizards falling in battle, or of Muggles at labor or under torture, or even my own when I heard of your betrayal to our cause, when instead I might hear your screams of pleasure at my hands all those years ago Of course I have been thinking of that. Of course I have been writing on it. You were beautiful once, you miserable dingbat.


And if you are ashamed, humiliated, that you were once the confidant and lover of the Dark terror of the century—well, I must get my revenge somehow. Go teach your children, eat your candy, preen your bird and bury me. But we were brilliant together, Albus, and not even you can change history.



1.“I must get my revenge somehow.”有两个译本,区别是“get”和“got”(got的话被must do的格式给还原了),潜台词也肯定不同奥,一是我要报复但没报复,一是我已经得到报复了。


January 1st, 1953

Dear Gellert,


You do seem to realize that you will not talk me out of my plans for the object in question, for which I am glad. It would be a shame to wear the wings off owls arguing over this for the rest of our lives.


Of course I have felt it, the temptation of it, as you have. But do you realize the danger of it, old friend Surely the old history of Ilmarinen has spread to your corners of the North. There are some things that must be destroyed. And it is not, Gellert, alive. This is crucial. It has no memory, no soul, no life within it. It is not murder to end it, to prevent it from drowning future generations in blood as it has ours.


One of its powers, I fear, is that the wizards that bond to it do so with an obsessive passion that borders on twisted love. I am saddened to see you affected by this. But I will not apologize for what must be done for—yes—the greater good. The future will be better off without the temptations this thing offers. Breaking its blood inheritance will turn over a new leaf in the relations between the powerful wizards who are steeped in the mysteries...oh, dear. New leaves. I'm afraid that writing on New Year's Day makes me maudlin.


But, yet, again, I am sorry for the condition I must leave you in.


Yet you are correct. Cruel as it is to say, it is the truth—I am ashamed, to have been your lover, if lover' is even the word for such as us. Yet it is a small pleasure that I am able to provide you with somefort through those memories. I thought, though, that you liked hearing the screams of Muggles