
【HP/FB 双语】GGAD通信集——三十五只猫头鹰(10)

作者: 玖泩 阅读记录

You ed me, Dumbledore. You ed me and formed me and let me loose in the world. And I think your little brother would agree that you have a habit of ignoring ufortable truths.


But enough about you. Let's talk about me, your haunted and broken pet Dark Lord, your misbegotten experiment, who used to spin sweet spells round your body and smile as you begged him to bugger you And who, I wonder, knows that Is that one of those things you must ever hide Poor Albus.


Yes, we go around in circles. Here I am back to mocking you until I can barely breathe for anger.


I have a new pen pal, Professor Dumbledore, aren't you proud Never think that you're the only one I write to—god knows if you were, I would've bashed my head out on the wall years ago. And it's lovely, sometimes, to talk to somebody who doesn't disapprove of everything one is, a fellow Dark wizard, ambitious with abandon. British boy, very clever, a little stiff, silly made-up name—owled me out of the blue a few years ago looking to talk shop, as you'd say. Great mind, but no sense of humor. He seemed rather startled when I mentioned that I knew you.


I told him that you were a user and a hypocrite, and to stay well away from you. Of course, he was already frightened of you. You might want to keep an eye out for him though. He could be a dangerous lad. And how could you possibly handle a Dark Lord who isn't your lapdog


Be well uncertain of your decency, Albus Dumbledore. And Gertrude is a crazy bitch.



1.glacial 缓慢的,冰封的  释义常用作“缓慢的”,but为什么好多通信集的翻译都给的是第二个(孩怕)。我把My whole life has be glacial这一句和青苔联系在一起了,不然感觉说这个好没来由。




August 2nd, 1956



One of the perils of teaching for long is that one bes ustomed to presenting, as one must to children, the illusion that one is entirely knowledgeable and confident in one's path through life, even when one may, in fact, be a fool and lost.


I never considered you my lapdog, old friend. If anything, I often thought of myself as yours for those few months, I caught up in your dreams of glory, I the one who felt betrayed when I realized the full implications of those dreams and the broken backs they would climb upon. But when teaching long, too, one learns to recognize when a dispute is simply—did not—did too.


Hate me, then, if it will make your remaining years easier. I had hoped, childish hopes, that you wouldn't, even after—but I am nothing but a lost old fool anyway. But, whatever you think of me, I must ask after this British fellow you mentioned. This made-up name wouldn't happen to be Voldemort, would it I would leave you well enough alone, as you wish, but there have been ominous rumors round that name as of late, and I ampelled to ask.