
【HP/FB 双语】GGAD通信集——三十五只猫头鹰(12)

作者: 玖泩 阅读记录


March 15th, 1957



So you've got yourself a baby Dark Lord on the fair Isles of Alba Then it would seem you should beware the Ides of March.


I wonder—will you go after Voldemort now, as a vigilante, in the good ten years or so before the officials will have any idea what's going on, or will you play it safe, bide your time, and watch the first deaths Either way I'm sure that inflamed conscience of yours will suffer. Give it a sherbet lemon and spare us.


The boy has a lot of power and little imagination. You and I, at least, never lacked in the latter department. Part of why we were magnificent.


The more I read these Muggle books of yours, the more I am bewildered. All this time they spend on their cultural conceits, their literature and arts, their social niceties, their limited, supposedly scientific ways of understanding the world without magic. I suppose it is what people do when they do not have magic Yet without magic, what is the point of it A wizard with a violin can alter reality itself, but a Muggle with the same is limited to simply affecting the emotions of his fellow-kind. And two Muggles arguing overmas change nothing, but two wizards revising a spell structure can change the world.


Is this your lesson, Albus, when you sent me these books To teach me to pity them in their small worlds How ineffective they are


My heart was untangled with—It—in my hand. Without It now, without the surety of magic—




How does one live


The landscape out my window has changed in twelve years, though how much I cannot say. My thoughts slip and slide away from me. One would think they would have nowhere to go, with shield charms thick as goblin steel through my walls. You always used to say you'd get a Pensieve one day—


My Nurmengard will not break me, Albus, and neither shall you. Go, deal with your whippersnapper of a Dark Lord. I'm just a rotting—am I really an old man now I suppose I am. Well, in my day we had to go up hill both ways in the snow to conquer countries.


Crochetily yours,



1.“beware the Ides of March”是一句源自于古罗马的谚语,译为:“小心三月十五日”。凯撒当年被刺杀,是由于元老院中有人怀疑他有当国王的野心。在遇刺之前的一次公开活动中,曾有一位算命先生警告凯撒:在三月十五日这天要格外小心。凯撒没有当回事,几天后就在三月十五日遇刺身亡。

2.救命我怎么感觉这翻译是越来越难了(哭),最后两段我越做越难受。那句“we had to go up hill both ways in the snow to conquer countries”我实在是不确定,翻了各路太太的译本发现没人跟我译的一样啊淦。我就理解为GG说的是他是武力征服而AD柔性劝导吧。“黄色的树林里分出两条路……”(碎碎念)

3.“Crochetily yours”的结束语里“crochetily”啥意思啊?“crochet”是钩针花边,我觉得不大对,所以怀疑是“crotchety”被少写了一个“t”,形容词性是“易怒的”。原来看到后面也有这个单词还是决定译成了“勾花针边”,但最近看到有太太和我想的一样就又双叒叕改回来了。


May 17th, 1957



I'm afraid he's a little out of the infantile Dark Lord stage. We may be into skulking and temperamental early adolescence, a phase of Dark development I know well from my time with you. Unfortunately he has no friend to spend that troubled time with, and I have stretched this hapless metaphor to its snapping point.