【HP/FB 双语】GGAD通信集——三十五只猫头鹰(13)
As for the choice you mention—it weighs on me heavily, yes. My Pensieve has been invaluable. And—at times my heart proves difficult to untangle as well.
One can think almost endlessly on that question, that of Muggles. Though they've answered some of your wonders themselves—the further you look into Muggle artistic criticism, the more you realize that there are valid criteria for judging creative output beyond its practical-magical usefulness. I'm enclosing a text that's been particularly helpful with that, if also dry. One thing I've found particularly difficult to realize, as a wizard, that to a Muggle a life of the mind does, in fact, entail losing any ability to affect reality directly. Yet, for that, it is often surprising how many of them choose such a life, and those who don't, who choose professions of battle and labor where they can change physical reality through their own natural means, are generally considered to be a second class. I'd heard it proposed that they're unconsciously mimicking wizarding society. I think perhaps the cause and effect there is off.
But, I beg your pardon, I ramble. This topic has been my pet hobby as of late. And, as you've pointed out, I have a Dark Lord to attend to.
[enclosure: Northrop Frye, Anatomy of Criticism]
June 30th, 1957
Oh, that last was unusually brusque for you. Do I detect a hint of annoyance at me Have I upset you in turn Or is it fear at these choices you must make Such a bother it must be, after all, to be the self-appointed leader of the free wizarding world. Or fear of Voldemort Or fear that I hit your nail on the head
But never mind that. I want to tell you a story, Albus.
When I lie awake at night on my thin mattress, as I so often do, until the moon sinks behind the horizon or out of sight of my narrow window, until the witching-hour chill creeps along the floor of my cell like a living thing, I swim through memories. I have no Pensieve, of course—nothing magical in here but my trusty old watch—but I still have my mind. Often, of course, it is the little things thate up first—my old wand, before I found It, or the woodwork in the walls of a Muggle house I sacked years ago, or the toads I kept as a child. And often I relive particular things, to console myself.
I would like to think I have a good memory. But it is nothingpared to a Pensieve. Here we are again—all those little conveniences of the wizarding world, and how to do without them. There are some memories I sometimes imagine must be worn thin in my mind—and yet they say that constant reminders strengthen a memory. True, perhaps. And yet—I've otten something.