【HP/FB 双语】GGAD通信集——三十五只猫头鹰(2)
You still at that school of yours Enjoying teaching, I hope Reading plenty Eating well Taking good care of It You'd better be.
Give my regards to that mad bird of yours. Hope I didn't kill him too much.
Listen to me. Hope. Hope. With the mold gathering on the walls of my cell. Laugh at me, Albus. Go on hating me like you always have. Enjoy yourself.
October 13th, 1951
Dear Gellert,
Thank you for your letter. When I think on it, I seem to recall youmenting once that no power in the world could stop me from being—I believe your words were—"a smug bastard." I'm afraid I remain as incorrigible as ever. I've been expecting an owl ever since our duel, and was hardly surprised to receive one. Indeed, I would have begun to worry in another year or two.
I gave your owl a drying charm, a perch by Fawkes' fire, and three white mice. She's wonderfully well-tempered after such a flight. (And Fawkes himself is quite well. Not even you, adept as you are at such things, could kill him enough to be a problem, Gellert.) I am indeed still at Hogwarts, teaching Transfiguration, head of Gryffindor House, and Assistant Headmaster. I am perhaps somewhat less of an overachiever than I was when we first met. Still, I am indeed enjoying myself. The beginning of term has been quite busy, hence my slow response. It is a peculiar delight that October the 13th has been a quiet and peaceful day.
So, yes, Gellert, I am not surprised. And this might, in turn,e as a surprise to you, but I do not hate you. I have said it before, I know, during our duel, and I say it again. Nor do I look down my nose at you, nor do I laugh at you. Do you find this difficult to understand I'm afraid I might find it difficult to explain. And it might simply be another symptom of being a smug bastard.
(Rest assured, speaking of said duel, that I am taking good care of It.)
How are you spending your hours, when not contemplating nature You are, I hope,fortable, and allowed books as well as correspondence. Along those lines, actually, I have enclosed a book you might enjoy. Some fascinating refinements of Transfiguration theory came out of Wales in the twenties—you might well have missed it while you were off preparing to conquer Europe.
[enclosure: Of Mice and Matriculation, Gwalchmai Gwartney & Ianto ap Madog]