【HP/FB 双语】GGAD通信集——三十五只猫头鹰(3)
October 16th, 1951
My memory might be a bit weak, but I believe the exact phrase might have been something more like“smug,supercilious, INFURIATING bastard, sanctimonious git with a bloody superiorityplex, like to pretend you're so humble, you hypocrite, no I don't want any candy.”I wasn't even drunk.
Then again, I'm the one locked in a room for the rest of his life, wandless, slowly going mad. Can my memory really be trusted I suppose now you'll tell me that what I console myself with at night is false—that I never slid your hair through my hands, that I never seen Dark spells crackle down your wand and set your face alight. I suppose next you'll tell me that you don't scream in the back of your throat at climax. I suppose next you'll tell me that I never took you over that old oak coffee table when Aberforth was out.
Go ahead. Mock me with Transfiguration texts, now that I can never do magic again. Look down your long nose at me. Who broke it, anyway, old friend Someone else who attempted to empty out all the hot air you're full of
1.Look down your long nose有蔑视意,双关语。
November 12th, 1951
It was Aberforth. He blamed me for Ariana's death. I could not bring myself to set the bone.
I do not question either your memory or your sanity. We touched, yes; I do not deny it to you, though I keep it a secret from most. We were boys drunk on summer, and I was a fool, playing with power I did notprehend. What else can I say, Gellert
I enclose another book I've been enjoying, with hopes that it will not remind you overmuch of what you've lost.
With apologies,
[enclosure: The Waves, Virginia Woolf]
[附:海浪,弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫着 ]
August 4th, 1952
Dear Gellert,
I know it would be better for me to wait for you to contact me. I'm afraid I'm at quite a disadvantage—Nurmengard is rather out of range for Legilimency. I can only guess at the best way to approach you now.
I remember your sulks, in those weeks we spent together. The way you'd leave abruptly if offended, cut yourself off, radiate darkness,e back a few hours later as if nothing was wrong. Hours have turned into months, I suppose Time in isolation can stretch so, and I have experienced it only briefly,pared to you. And I do not say this to mock you. I found even your sulks intriguing—your wild flights of emotion were part of your charm.
And I know it would be better for me to leave you to it, but I cannot bring myself to simply let you be. It is one of my failings, I suppose, the tendency to over-stretch myself and meddle. And now, were we face to face, I suppose you would snap at me for mock humility and leave...