
【HP/FB 双语】GGAD通信集——三十五只猫头鹰(4)

作者: 玖泩 阅读记录


Ie begging back to you, yes. Not as a famous wizard, not as a Hogwarts Professor, not as anything in which I might have pride. Merely as a man, for that is all we are in the end. You once called this old man friend. And you wrote me seeking, I can only imagine, simple correspondence. I would like that very much. And I speak in plain honesty, and you have every right to be angry with me.


I do not hate you. Could you bring yourself to believe that, to judge me fairly for it Could you bring yourself not to hate me





1.“It is one of my failings, I suppose, the tendency to over-stretch myself and meddle.”(我想,这是我的过错,总是多管闲事、干预太多。)译完之后再回过头来修订,发现作者太太居然从这里开始就埋伏笔了。后面AD提起自己对哈利的惭愧时也说过类似的话。

2.“I would like that very much.”一句原译为“我非常乐意。”我感觉这样放在两个句子中间有点奇怪,就直接翻译成了邓多多的潜台词,邓教肯定还是想和格皇继续通信的对吧(吃瓜


September 26th, 1952



After all the scatological ways I've considered—no, I'll have to start this letter with a simple thank you. My charming sulks, you horrid arse. I haven't laughed that hard in weeks.


But Muggle literature Honestly, Albus. Send me the pendium of Inoffensive Things—then I might refrain from a sulk. This Woolf woman—very strange.


And Legilimency Don't bother. Stay out of my head. The days stretch, oh yes, like that furlough-string taffy you used to suck on as we talked, stringing it endlessly between your fingers and your teeth. Downright distracting, that. Made my pen slip on the parchment more than once. But it did explode so delightfully when we hexed it, remember Green and smoking


You were always absolute rubbish at begging. Remember when I hexed your legs to the bedstead and made you wait Utterly pathetic, you couldn't even manage to be polite. I was in such a snit I could've beaten you bloody...


And my life. This life you reduced me to. Taffy days and memories.


Morning: the guardse round, scan all my papers for dangerous Arithmancy. They used to rough me up, sometimes, when I was first here, no spells, just fists. There was one woman—you killed my husband, she would scream, you killed my husband. They stopped after a few years because I would always laugh at them. I take as much idiotic, endless pride in my talents as you, Albus. The talent of laughing through broken teeth while kneeling on a stone floor clutching your bruised gut, laughing with blood down your throat at people who want to torture you A good talent to have in prison. Worth far more than wits or magic.


The food tastes like dirt. I've lost a good bit of weight. The window's old and wavery glass, and I can't see my reflection clearly, but I'd imagine I look rather like a skeleton. Hard to imagine a handsome British genius once made love to me on riverbanks, eh
