【HP/FB 双语】GGAD通信集——三十五只猫头鹰(25)
Always no time. Even now you say you're running out. STOP LYING TO ME. TURN AROUND AND FACE ME.
你永远都在忙。就算到了现在你也还在说你的时间不多了。别 再 对 我 撒 谎 了 。你 给 我 转 过 身 来 面 对 我。
Voldemort Send him up here. SEND THE LITTLE SERPENT UP HERE. You taught me lumency, I'll lie through my broken teeth and laugh in his face—oh, it's been too long since I've had a good face-laughing, way too long, I haven't even seen a face in years—& he'll make it quick and clean, won't he, because I'm supposed to be afraid of Death Death who we sought to master Death who would be our third partner in hallowing this world Do you think he'd be ashamed to be caught red-handed in a simple mercy-killing I want to laugh & laugh & laugh at him—
伏地魔?让他来啊。让 那 条 小 蛇 来 啊 。你教过我大脑封闭术,我会在我碎掉的牙齿间冲他说谎、冲他大笑——哦,我已经太久没有开怀大笑过了——我会大笑着,太久了,我已经太久没有见到过活人了——而且他会做的干净利落地,不是吗,因为他觉得我会害怕死亡?曾经我们想要主宰的死亡?畏惧那个本应成为我们用圣器征服世界路上的伙伴?你觉得他会为在施行安乐死时被人抓了现行而感到羞耻吗?我想冲他笑,大笑,狂笑——
You taught me lumency, in Godric's Hollow, a millennia ago. Your mind was red gold and restoring fire. It was agony to have to block it out. Your fingers were long and slender on your wand. We were together, the world was good, the water ran clear, and then she died—
His mind won't taste good, will it I'll not swoon simply from seeing another human being I'll do right by you for once & you'll take It to your grave years from now when you finally & change the world yet again, you pompous, beautiful arse.
I can laugh even under torture, remember He'll never get It. Look at me, Albus, I've given up & gone mad. Sob into your sherry all you want now. I'd always faintly hoped you'd have the guts to own up to me—
You ask after remorse. Well, I've gone mad now, so it's quite all right to tell you. Decades, Albus, decades sick with guilt. Muggle shrieks in my sleep. Thoughts of the lines of the dead I sent forth, the huddles of their families I left behind. Bodies turned under for mulch. There was a girl with a red shawl who wouldn't stop screaming. She's been dead fifty years and she won't stop screaming. Why do you think I clung to you so You were better than me, more or less.
Of course, you knew that all along. That I regret, hate myself, hate what I did. Just like you knew that I would die for your idiot plans for It. Just like you knew that I'd write back when you wanted me to. Just like you knew that I've loved you since the day we met.
& you must kill the boy & you mustn't care about me. Potter & I your sacrificial lambs, burnt offerings to Voldemort & the greater good.
But what am I saying You are a charming old man, good-hearted, even sweet. & I am a lonely,repenting old sinner. There were Muggles marched to my outstretched wand, Muggles lined up before It, bare feet scuffing panic marks in the earth until I smiled, cold, raised It, sent green light sheeting like the aurora. Beautiful. Thrilling. Something rips in my gut every time I think of it.